Trainfare Home

New and Old Songs Out of the American Tradition written and arranged by Dick Connette

The second Last Forever album, Trainfare Home, was released by Nonesuch on August 15, 2000. Hard copies are scarce, but the CD is available for download at Amazon and iTunes.

You know you love an album when you keep buying copies of it to give to your friends, when you find yourself braving the gangsta bag check at Tower Records, or tolerating yet again the bored teller contempt at the Virgin Megastore till. One night a few years ago, Hannibal Records boss and all around music maven Joe Boyd was playing some of us his favorite new and upcoming releases. Among the CDs he spun for our listening pleasure was one about to come out on the Nonesuch label. I recall Joe saying something like, "Here's the best of them all. Just listen to this." It was Last Forever. After that I became the middle-aged man with the funny hat you've seen slipping in and out of HMV.

- Loudon Wainwright III